We all have free will. You have full ownership of your free will and the right to express it in ways acceptable to you. You can live any way you want to, with any beliefs you hold, and any behaviors you want to exhibit. There are consequences to all choices you make, of course, some wonderful and some difficult. However, no one can take your free will away from you. You are the sole creator of your free will governing how you live.
However, what if you are experiencing repeated chronic illness, imbalance, failure, or heart break? What if the experiences of your life are not what you truly want? Could free will impact these areas? One usually tries to get help from friends, doctors, therapists, drugs, physical healing, different life partners, different work settings, different places to live, when there are chronic challenges. With enough repetition of undesirable patterns though, you eventually have to look within for an explanation as to what you might be doing or carrying to contribute to your undesirable situations.
Free will is something you create and therefore something you can change if you are aware of it. When chronic imbalances are present and perhaps expanding, there is often trauma energy connected to your free will. Free will trauma energy is a mindset you have that is not in Right Relationship with All That Is and is causing repeating trauma in your present life. Chronic imbalances are beckoning you to look inside and figure out what is not serving you. What free will energy are you carrying which is causing trauma over and over again in your present life?

Grace had chronic blame energy regarding her husband’s behavior. She was repeatedly blaming him for things that went wrong from travel plans to the performance of their cars. She would apologize most times when there was an outburst but the behavior persisted for years. Her husband was resentful of the constant blame and wanted a divorce and they divorced. In her second marriage, Grace’s blame energy persisted with her second husband. She was fearful of another divorce over her husband feeling constantly blamed. When she cleared for free will trauma energy manifesting as blame of her husband and others, Grace’s blame behavior stopped. She was able to completely heal from blaming others.
Free Will trauma energy keeps you from healing, changing, making good decisions, coming into balance, and feeling joyful. Why have you never heard of this? Free will trauma energy does not live in our conscious energy. It resides in the unconscious and supra-conscious (soul) levels and runs you from the background, day in and day out. If you feel insufficient, unlovable, or anxious repeatedly, you are probably carrying free will trauma energy causing these symptoms. Further, the feelings are stuck in an energy field unknown to you. In all likelihood you experienced these strong feelings in the past either in this lifetime or a previous one.The feelings or thoughts continue to cause havoc in your field until you recognize their presence and cast them out.
Here is a list of possible types of free will trauma energy manifesting in humans’ lives to get you started thinking about what possible free will trauma energy you may be carrying.
- inability to forgive oneself
- ego
- pain and suffering
- dislike of self
- distrust of Divine source
- taking on other’s pain and suffering
- inability to heal from any specific ailment( cancer, migraines, autoimmune diseases, alzheimer’s, infertility ,etc.),
- anxiety
- having insufficient time
- feeling unlovable
- feeling overwhelmed
- feeling insufficient
- judgement of others
- Self-punishment
- fear of those different from ourselves
- rage
- self-delusions
- insomnia
- blaming others
- inability to attract a good mate
- inability to give and receive sexual intimacy
- undeserving of goodness
- never doing enough
- feeling like a failure
- determined to have something manifest in a specific way no matter what
If you suspect one or more of these areas causing imbalances in your live, use the following. Use a pendulum (if proficient in this) to check if you are accurate in your intuition. Otherwise make an educated guess and clear anyway!
Thi s is so common around me right now and in my past You had helped me ID that and let it go! Real emancipating awaits anyone willing to do Robbins Healing ( Their own Healing with Robbins Help!) !