I had a neighbor once who when asked how things were going would sometimes reply, we have the neggies. I loved that because it was so expressive. The neggies can overtake a whole group when complaining, arguing and bickering breaks out. For me, the neggies often show up when my body hurts, when I am feeling overwhelmed, unproductive or when I have no time to take care of myself. This looks like washing my hair at 12:45 AM or trying to dry clothes at 6 AM for the coming day!

Frequently when these thoughts and feelings begin to invade my space, all the above feelings come at the same time. It is as if, when I open that doorway to one little neggie, all the other little neggies lurking in the background gang up on me and have to get their kicks in as well. Recently for example, I was “over” solid booked for weeks with clients. I contracted a sinus infection, then a major virus over Christmas (ugh) and t0 top it all off, I fell while cross-country skiing and badly sprained my knee. I think sometimes these things come all together to get me to pay attention and ask what in the world is going on here with me? The neggies are invading!
Seriously though, when this happens I am not a happy camper. I frequently am anxious and prickly and don’t sleep well and can’t even be dressed up to be taken out anywhere. That’s the biggest clue that I have succumbed, when I can’t even be roused to put on a good face to go out. Alas, time for serious self-searching.
Though I can write about this state of affairs with levity, I assure you when I am in that state, I am really not centered and in serious need of clearing and balance. I have also noticed people taking wide berths around me and the wearing of velvet gloves.

So having been recently in an expanded state of the neggies, here is what Divine Guidance came up with for me. Be quiet, have a day of doing little or nothing, get frustrated, get angry, get sad, be quiet again, and then finally ask WHAT AM I DOING TO ATTRACT THESE EXPERIENCES TO ME ??
Looking at attracting the neggies and manifesting imbalance comes from the spiritual view that we create our own experiences of our lives. We can be as angry, sad, depressed, fearful, joyful, grateful or as accommodating as we can imagine. It is our choice. When my body hurts, I have a choice to obsess about the pain or to get some help from preparations, pills or from people. I also have a choice about how I react to hurting. I can attend to it and then do something that focuses my mind differently or I can feel sorry for myself and eat. I can complain to whomever will listen or I can be still and call forth new balance in my body. I usually do a mixture of haranguing and harumphing before I realize that this does not help me at all. Then I try to move directly to the deep well within, which is very patient with me I have noticed, until I remember to call forth my I AM Energy for the re-balancing of whatever is setting me off.
Here is what that looks like for me. There is only One Power, One Presence, One Energy Source. That Energy and Presence is pure, unadulterated Love which is waiting for me to call it forth. I say something like this.
I call forth my I AM Energy (Highest Self) to infuse my mind, my heart, my body, my affairs and my home with Love, Light and Balance. I release all the blocked energy I am carrying which is manifesting as my hurting body and my complaining self. I command out my blocked emotional, mental, thermal ( self-protective) and spiritual energy which is producing this imbalance in my body and my mind. I ask forgiveness of my body for creating this imbalance and this hurt I am experiencing. Come forth. Let there be balance in my body. And So It Is. My thanks.
Why does this work?
It works because we are all, everyone one of us, Divine Energy regardless of the circumstances of our lives here. We can command this I AM Energy, our Highest Self, because we are eternally connected to this energy even though we may not be conscious of this.
This works because I am calling out the blocked negative energy which I have created my very own self in my human life. If my intention is for that stuck energy to go, it will go. I command it out and that stuck energy goes because I am the total creator of that energy in the first place.
This approach works because I am taking full responsibility for the neggies, I am feeling. In doing that, I re-engage with my own power and redirect it to the source of the negative feelings and the source of the imbalance or pain.
This way of working with imbalance recognizes the Divine Presence within which is eternal and on call, 24-7.
Try a different approach to the imbalances in your life. Try something you may not have tried before or may have tried not believing it could work for you. The first time I worked with deep pain in my back in this way, the pain instantly subsided. In complete astonishment, I burst into tears. I could hardly take it in. The pain was completely gone for 1 entire day. I was so overcome though by self-” neggie” talk that I began doubting that the shift had taken place at all. I could not trust the shift in energy. So, the next day the pain was back. That was a HUGE learning for me.

Stand fully in the knowing that you have all the power, right, authority, intention and all the chutzpah necessary to command your I AM Energy to manifest balance in your life. When I was learning to do this for myself , I tried to embrace infinite possibility with a measure of humility, two nods of passion, a thimble of mystery and a shot of gratitude. See what works for you and let us hear from you.
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