New spiritual information is coming through for those with Crohn’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, ALS, high cholesterol, vitiligo, chronic fatigue, glaucoma, HIV/AIDs, common cold, epilepsy, body’s electrical system, and irritable bowel syndrome. Recently, each of these conditions has been described by Divine Knowing to me as the result of imbalances in energy which have attracted a virus to the physical body. The viruses are doing the damage at the physical level manifesting as these various conditions or diseases. Despite the fact that medically several of these conditions have not been linked to viruses, this is the pathway for healing that has been given spiritually.
Imagine my total amazement when over time, more and more imbalances such as those listed above have been addressed by Divine Knowing as caused by viruses. Through spiritual explanation, we contract a virus to our bodies because of some blocked energy, emotional, mental, thermal (self-protective) or spiritual (fear and doubt) which has compromised our immune system. I am seeing healing for clients when bodies have been cleared of this blocked energy manifesting as a “Crohn’s causing virus” or as a “glaucoma causing virus”, for example. This is the exact wording coming from Divine Knowing.
It may be years before we have medical confirmation of this spiritual information regarding virual sources for these imbalances. However, if you or a loved one is suffering with the above mentioned imbalances, you can use the following prayers for support and healing.
Prayer in my applied definition is working with Divine Presence or Universal Energy to bring forth the needed healing vibrations for shifting imbalances. All prayers are helpful though I have found that the more specifically directed this call for healing is, the more powerful it is. We are going to jump to graduate level prayer for maximum impact. Some background might be helpful before we put the prayers to use.
- The major types of blocked energy so far revealed are emotional, mental, thermal (protective) and spiritual (fear and doubt).
- The sacred flame is a form of Divine Presence within each of us. This energy is eternal, all knowing and all powerful. This concept comes from the Saint Germain teachings.
- Open a sacred healing space for all prayers with a call to Divine Presence. I open my prayers by saying, “I call forth my beloved I AM Energy, the Ascended Masters, the Angelic Host, the highest Cosmic Light Beings of the Universe, the Nature Intelligences, the Divine Ancestors and Divine Physicians”.
Thurman was diagnosed with glaucoma and it was affecting both eyes. He asked me to pray for his healing. I opened the Sacred Space with my I AM Energy and that of the Divine Realm and said:
I call forth the sacred flame from within Thurman. Consume the blocked emotional, mental, thermal and spiritual blocked energies from this lifetime and any previous lifetime manifesting as a “glaucoma producing virus”. Virus, return to complete balance with all other tissues in the body. Let there be balance in Thurman’s eyes. And So It Is. Thanks to All That Is.
Say the prayer knowing it will be heard. All we ask, think, say is heard. Every hair on our head is counted! Stand in partnership with Divine Presence and know the call will be heard. It is your spiritual birthright to call the Energy of Divine Presence into this dimension for healing. Hold the intention for balance and wholeness and when it can manifest, it will do so.
This is a prayer you could say for yourself if you have high cholesterol or any of the other conditions listed in the first paragraph. Open the sacred healing space to begin.
I call forth the sacred flame from within me. Sacred Flame consume the blocked emotional, mental, thermal and spiritual energies I am carrying from this lifetime or any previous lifetime manifesting as a “high cholesterol causing virus” at the physical level. Virus come into perfect balance with all the tissues of my body. Let there be balance with this virus and my cholesterol levels. And So It Is. My gratitude and thanks.
You may have a friend or family member who is not open to prayer. Therefore, it makes no sense to try to get their permission at a human level, for healing prayer. Their minds are not open to this. In sacred space though we are ALL ONE, created from Universal Love Energy. Your love for this person will be strongly channeled for their highest good through your prayer of healing love for them. You can do no harm by sending Love energy in their direction by calling it into their field. They will feel the love even if the healing cannot be received. Eventually love heals all.
Here is a prayer for a person whom you might not have spoken to about prayer. Open the sacred healing space first.
I hold Kalli in this Sacred Healing Space for her highest benevolent outcome. I call forth her I AM Energy. Sacred flame, come forth from within Kalli. Consume all blocked emotional, mental, thermal or spiritual energies from this lifetime or any other lifetime which are currently manifesting as a “cancer producing virus” at the physical level. I command this virus to come into right relationship with the rest of Kalli’s body at all levels. All cells in this body balance in the name of the Most High. And So it is. Blessings of the Light. My loving thanks.
This prayer energy works powerfully because we have chosen to partner with Divine Presence. We have come knowing that we will be heard. We are commanding Divine healing energy into this earthly dimension through our own commitment to love and service, to self or others. We are commanding the return of balance for ourselves or for another. Use these prayers when you or others are facing these imbalances. I give deep thanks together with all of you, that this approach to healing is being shared with us at this time in our evolution.
See Update to this information.
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