*Read The Dark or The Absence of Light: Part One
We can choose to be afraid or trusting. We can choose to be selfish or generous. We can choose to be welcoming or restrained. Each and every choice we make for the goodness of the greater whole produces more balance. Each and every choice we make which is not for the goodness of the greater whole produces more imbalance.
The greater the imbalance we feel within ourselves, the greater these imbalances manifest in our lives. There is however no dark entity of dark power to be reckoned with sometimes known as the dark side. We can know we are connected in one part of our lives to the Light and we can feel disconnected in other parts of our lives from the Light. In my case, I was very surprised that I felt attacked by something I envisioned as dark energy. I had not felt that fearful energy for years and years and yet there it was showing its ugly head right after our car accident. (spoken about in part 1)
Regardless of where we are in our journey, what we feel, see, sense, and experience is a reflection of the choice to be connected to the Light or the choice to be separated from the Light. This leads us back to the accident.
Why did that accident really happen to us? I kept asking this in my mind and had a hard time not getting an immediate answer. I wondered if I had attracted that accident to us through some means, if I needed to pay a karmic debt that I was not aware of, or if I was being attacked by the dark. I gave a lot of power to this last thought.
There are multiple true answers to this question. Each of us involved, my husband, the truck driver, and me experienced this same accident for different reasons. I now feel that I had this accident to give me a chance to directly face my deeply hidden fear about some force I thought of as the dark. This was not something I might take a Sunday afternoon to contemplate! As with most of us, I would probably always choose to engage in something else, anything else, actually. I needed a deeply shocking experience to go into my own darkness and wrestle my way through all of that old stuck energy.
Even though I slogged through the darkness after the accident, I sensed the minute we were hit, at some unconscious level, that we were not hurt. Immediately after the impact, I was led to pray for the complete and total healing of our fear from our energy fields. I felt an insulating energy drop in around us as the accident occurred and as the investigation was taking place. I also had the dawning thought with increasing certainty that the impact of the truck’s energy on our van was buffered by Divine Presence. We were surrounded immediately by that Divine Energy of Light. We were protected from harm’s way.
This experience of the Divine Presence with us at the accident continued to be present while I wrestled with my own created fear of the darkness. That powerful knowing just stayed within my energy field through all my stages of anger, frustration, uncertainly and questioning I felt I needed to feel. During one phase of my deeply questioning and anger tinged state about this accident, I asked about all the times I had been killed from this dimension. I was told the number. Then immediately following this exchange I heard, “but you agreed to that”. I started to laugh knowing deeply that this was true. Further, if this is true for me, then it is true for every one of us. Even the “innocent bystander” leaves when it is his or her time to leave. At the same time, an innocent bystander does not leave before it is his or her time either.
Yet the question remains, why do some come here and physically suffer and others come and mentally or emotionally suffer? Our entire journey is about coming into balance within our own energy. When we begin to experience this inside, it begins to manifest all around us in all our affairs. Many of the challenges, problems, conflicts, situations we get into are a result of imbalances we have chosen in our lives. If we need to “atone” or re-balance, from some past transgression we have caused, we have infinite ways that we can do that in a lifetime.
Parts of our lives can appear like suffering until we get that we are One with the Light and that we are being given our specific life circumstances so that deep imbalances in our human selves can be re-balanced with the Love of the Universe. We may also have a life in which we are given the option of being here in illness or disability as a way to re-balance some huge transgression of our past or as a way to develop compassion for ourselves and others, or as an example of living with joy and grace with our disability for others to learn from.
We are given whatever we need to come into a more loving and whole space with All That Is. We cannot judge by appearances for ourselves or for others. There is a Divine and Holy Order within this Earth dimension even though we may not be able to discern it. The process of re-balancing for the Goodness of the Whole is taking place, all the time for all people everywhere.
If you think you have brought imbalances, fears and transgressions of the past with you, you can work them out before you are required to do so, in some totally WAKE UP fashion. I recommend all the preemptive work we can do to clear the darkness, fear and imbalance we feel inside ourselves.
- You can pray and ask forgiveness for all the people you have hurt throughout all space and time.
- You can ask for all the debts of imbalance you have brought about in your times of separation from the Light to be made whole in all ways by Divine Grace.
- You can literally call in the healing energy of the Light for all those you have specifically hurt.
- You can call for the fear of anything you know you are facing to be consumed by the Light of God/All That Is.
Of course, one has to have the feeling that restoring balance is important. We are loved beyond all measure but knowing that at the soul level requires our acting in this energy. We need to embrace the fact that we can clear our old stagnant energies and past misdeeds by calling for this to happen.
We have to embrace a new intention for being here, one that embraces that all living is for the purpose of healing and thereby for coming into the Energy of the One, the Whole, the Eternal Community of Life. Then all is possible.
Steve O says
Somehow I still believe that evil is exists. Yet inside, I know that I’m protected from it and that protection is a choice I made somewhere along my way. Perhaps our group decision that evil exists is what gives it reality for us, but it is not real for God. God sees no evil. My questions have to do with the nature of evil. We all, to some extent, believe we are separate from All That Is. Where does this separation become something we label as evil or darkness?