In Exodus 3:14, Moses asks God what name shall I use for you when speaking to the children of Israel. God replies, “I am AHIAH ASHAR HIGH (The Living God, The Sovereign God). Just say I AM ( AHIYA) has sent you.” Today we are addressing the I AM Energy of All That Is. This can only be a tiny sliver of light on this subject however, hopefully enticing you to seek more.
The number one issue we as humans have with God is our thinking. We think we are separate from God. To the contrary, however, we are One with God, we simply do not have this Oneness in our consciousness. As you read this piece, keep reminding yourself, I AM One with All That Is/God. It will keep the familiar thoughts of being separate at a distance.
The I AM Energy is eternal, all loving and whole in the fullest sense of the word. This energy is within every person in body for it is the core of who we are. However, if we are to know of it, grow it, live by it, we must have some guidance and examples of how to do that. Jesus offered one way to know more about this. He said as recorded in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” There are millions in our world who do just that, follow Jesus. However, this statement, “I am the light of the world” could just as well be said by one named Fritz or Ismelda, Lauren or Machi and have powerful presence if they too knew they were One with God. Jesus resolutely knew he was One with All That Is and that is the source of the power of his declaration.
This statement by Jesus however does not mean that he is the only light of the world, that he alone is only way to learn about the I AM Energy. This exclusivity in our views of religion needs to shift. We are all of the same Creator, different sparks from the Flame of Life, different paths given from the same Source. There have been many, many ways we have been called to know of the I AM Energy within. The pathway of the Sufis, the Kabbalah, the Vedanta Sutras are all ways to cultivate a deeper personal relationship with the Energy of Creation. The issue is that millions do not go deeply enough into their chosen pathways to develop their own relationship with All That Is.
Why is this? I think perhaps because it takes a level of commitment to wholeness we are generally not ready to make. In other words, it is easier to follow the dogma, rules and expectation of a specific faith than it is to develop our own relationship with God. It feels easier to focus on all the externalities of life on Earth than it is to go within and speak with God. To develop our own knowing of All That Is, we must be in Silence, pray, ask for forgiveness, let go of our ego and embrace uncertainty in all things with the energy of positive expectation on a daily basis. Further, we have to keep reminding ourselves that we are One with God/All That Is/Great I AM.
Each of us is Divine. We each have that spark of Divinity within. However, we can choose not to seek it, know it or develop it and still live on this Earth. It is as if we have a deep pool of knowing when we are out of body and when we come into body, we have to seek the stillness and connection with God if we want to fully manifest our Divine Beings while in body. It is a practice, a way of Being, a pathway we have to choose. With this pathway comes more Peace, more Balance, more Divine Harmony, Dynamism, Freedom and Creativity. For these characteristics and many more are characteristics of Divine Presence, Brahman or the Unified Field. They are our birthright if we choose them.
If we want to actualize our I AM Energy we have to do two things simultaneously. One is to claim the I AM Energy for ourselves. The second is to train our mind to return again and again to wholeness, love, forgiveness and humility. In this way, the I AM Energy can be fully actualized in our lives and all the positive characteristics of Divine Grace become present in each of our lives. These statements can help us begin to embrace our I AM Energy and call it forth in our lives.
I AM the loving expression of God manifest in my body.
I AM One with All That Is.
I AM the Wholeness and Peace I seek.
I AM the mighty Flame of God’s Divine Presence.
I AM expansive consciousness, loving all in my pathway.
Put one or two of these statements which speak to you some place you will see them every day. Speak them out loud frequently for thirty days and your consciousness will have the chance to change its pattern of perception.
The doorway into the I AM Energy is paved by consistent, loving effort over time. This is one way you can open this pathway more powerfully to receive all the blessings of being One with All That Is. This knowing is already deeply embedded in your full consciousness, it just needs an invitation to be more accessible in your present body or daily consciousness.
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