How does one go about getting a car and a house sold one day after praying about it? Read on!
The purpose of prayer is to connect with the Greater Whole/ All That Is / Highest Presence. When we think of prayer, however, we often begin by asking God for something which we think we are missing. This is highly ineffective though because it goes against all that we know to be true in the Universe.
God is constant. God never changes. These are absolutes in the Universe for all people. Our needy prayer will not get “God” to do anything differently from what has been going on for eons. Without a doubt, there is no DIVINE BEING who will give us what we want when we ask for it from a place of lack or neediness. It does not work this way.
For the highest prayer results, we have to pray from a place of claiming we are One with All That Is, from a position of shared power, from a place of a ” joint heir to the throne”. When we do this, we are envisioning the highest good, the highest benevolent outcome, the Light surrounding loved ones, Divine Presence in the space of fear, using the highest available power. We are calling forth the Presence of God in infinite form, from the unformed nature of the Universe just like God said, “Let there be Light” and there was.
Though I am in prayer numerous times a day, it is most often with Divine Beings and other pe0ple’s highest I AM Energy. I learned a powerful lesson recently about praying for things in my own life.
My mother’s house had been on the market for over two years with only one extremely low bid in all that time. Also, a friend’s car had been parked at our house for nearly three years, though only in the last 3 months had she been seriously ready to sell the car, this time around. She had tried for a short time last year to sell the car without success. On July 4 of this year, my husband and I sat together and spoke aloud, prayers for each of these situations. This is not a common experience we have! We called for the clearing of all blocked energy manifesting as these items remaining unsold. We called for persons to manifest who would love the car and love my mother’s house. We called for the sharing of the full abundance of these resources with those who would love them.
On July 5th, the car sold. On July 5th the eventual purchaser saw my mother’s house for the first time. After two more visits she made an offer and we settled on a contract. The one thing she told the realtor as we were negotiating is that she absolutely loved the house! No one in two years had said that about the house.
Why hadn’t this happened before this time? What was so powerful about the way we prayed that made a difference the very next day? I realized that if only one of these things had happened, I might not have gotten the lesson. Because both items were addressed the day after our prayer, it was absolutely clear that something was different about the prayers we prayed. Here is my best take on what was different about these prayers from others I had prayed over the months before this time.
I prayed with another person about these items.
- When I pray for others with Divine Presence, their own energy is always present so there are two of us present. I learned that when praying about items connected to me I can increase the power of the call by praying with another person. Praying together with my husband was a powerful expansion of the call for Divine Presence regarding these items for sale.
We prayed these prayers out loud with our individual contributions to the effort.
- When we pray out loud, we are literally giving form to the unformed Divine Universe around us. All that is needed is already given though it may not be manifesting in ways we would like to see it manifest. Emilie Cady says, ” We must take our thought off the visible world and center it on God. We begin, as God began in creation, by speaking out into this formless substance all about us with faith and power. ‘Let there be so and so (whatever we want). Let if come forth into manifestation here and now. It does come forth by the power of my word. It is done. It is manifest.’ ” ( Complete Works of H. Emilie Cady, H. Emilie Cady, Unity House, 1995, p 199. )
We prayed these prayers from a position of sharing abundance with others who would love the items we had to sell.
- We were both focused on the energy of abundance which is in Right Relationship with Divine Energy. Abundance energy manifests as expanding love, infinite source and creative possibility. We called forth, from the unformed Universe, people who would love the things we had to share. Love heals all things, corrects all situations, manifests all good, even a house that had not sold for 2 years and a car that had had an unclear fate for over a year.
We prayed these prayers within a sacred healing circle called for this purpose.
- Our prayers were said within the space of a sacred assemblage of Divine Energy in a range of forms, including Angelic Host, Cosmic Light Beings, Ascended Masters, Nature and Deva Spirits and both of our I AM Energies/ our Eternal Beings.
Take the risk of praying out loud with another. “When two or more are gathered together in My Name, there, I Am”. Take the risk of calling in Divine Presence for reasons of love (appreciation, delight, abundance, creativity, kindness, ) etc. Take the risk of specifically working with Divine Presence in other forms to support your call. These steps will produce good results for you.
Please also consider sharing these stories with us as you have results from your efforts.
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